Lily Sees Dead People: Coming Soon!
There I was. It was October, the month before NaNoWriMo 2020 (National Novel Writing Month,) and I was writing pep talks for others to get started. I do the digital marketing (and at that time, the newsletter) for the PNWA, and NaNo is always a great topic to get people excited about writing. Fun fact: it’s much easier to get excited about something if you, too, are doing it. Only, I was plunk in the middle of edits on not one but five manuscripts. (Long story.)
So really, it was nonsensical to start writing a new one.
I mean, right?
Well, this next piece is part of another blog, so I’ll save you the agony of hearing it all over again, but the short of it is that my boss challenged me to write not one but two romance novellas for NaNo. If you know me, romance is not my thing, so it was somewhat of a big deal for me. So yada yada yada, and there was Krampus and the Kolaches. And then I wrote Lily Sees Dead People. Voila. I still didn’t hit 50K words, which is the goal for that challenge, but I had two complete stories. Not bad, right?
The year that followed NaNo saw Krampus get published (Wild Rose Press, October 27th, 2021) and then the continuation of edits on those five stories along with a Very. Hard. Year. But what about Lily Sees Dead People?
Lily is about an internet personality with a chip on her shoulder who live streams her ghost hunts. The only person who she sees as a friend is Rue, a ghost she frequents at a local cemetery where Lily’s mom, dad, and brother are buried. It’s only when she comes face to face with losing Rue that she realizes the power of friendship and loss.
So yeah! That’s happening. It’s off to Beta Readers right now and scheduled to go to my editor in early December.
The release date is set for December 23rd.
Stay tuned for more information!