Why Words?
Writing is how I make sense of the world. When my family had the opportunity to help my mom through traumatic end of life care, I found solace in writing chaotic characters in dark fantasy stories. When my nephew was struggling through depression while in the service, we walked through the process of how to write science fiction and fantasy stories to help exorcise the demons. When the pandemic forced my kid into the indoors for obvious reasons, we tackled world building and constructing plot as a family. Writing is second only to reading for me in its ability to help me cope with things I'm challenged with. Hopefully my stories can bring a little solace to some of you.
Where can you find JD's words on the internet? JD's had Spicy romance (If you can find them, YOU WIN!), ghost hunting (Lily Sees Dead People), and Krampus stories (Krampus and the Kolaches) published.
What's Next? There are a handful of short stories about aliens, serial killers, and dragons that are getting ready to find homes. Her current work in progress is quite possibly the strangest yet. Stay tuned for more writing updates.
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